blog / gadflysu

Talk is Cheap


🐟 gadflysu: beginner, developer, idealist, censored character, survivor of the 21st century

太空人的 Bangumi 主页

🌏 Language: 中文 / English

🥤 Drinks: caffè americano, pure milk, milk tea, soda water (Watson’s), cola (Coca-Cola)

📚 Major: software engineering

📧 Email:

🕸 Social Network: Telegram, Mastodon, Twitter, Instagram, #SayNoToWeChat, #SayNoToQQ

👨‍💻 Programming: Pascal, C, Java, C++

⏱ Algorithm Competition: NOIP (2015), ACM-ICPC Regional (2018) No Awards :)

💻 Laptop: OMEN by HP Laptop PC (2016)

📱 Smartphone: OnePlus 7T Pro (2020), Apple iPhone SE (2018), Google Nexus 5X (2016), Samsung Galaxy S II (2013)

🖥 Desktop OS: Ubuntu 20.04 with Unity, macOS 10.14, Windows 10

🐚 Shell: Bash, Zsh with Oh My Zsh

📝 Editor: Sublime Text 3

⌨️ Indentation: 4 Spaces     

🌼 Break Before Braces: attach

Author : gadflysu
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